"Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways. Take me by the hand; Lead me down the path of truth. You are my Savior, aren't you?" Psalm 25:4-5
The Message Translation
Don't you just love how God shows us the way, how He directs our thoughts in the direction they should go, how He is right there with us along the way? I sure do!
The last few weeks have been busy, busy around these parts. School activities with the kids, Cub Scouts, busy work schedules, activities at church, and then there's that new business we're trying to get off the ground. It's enough to make a girl exhausted some days and lately it has all just seemed to hit at once.
After going through a few weeks of this endless stream of activities and watching my 'to do' list continue to grow instead of shrinking, I just got downright overwhelmed over the weekend. I sat down with my husband Sunday afternoon and just had to talk it out. I told him I just didn't know how we were going to get thru the next few weeks. As usual, I felt better after we talked about it for awhile, but I wasn't really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And, quite frankly, all I could think of what how great it would be when we did get to the end of the tunnel.
I did spend some time in prayer that afternoon just asking God to help me see all the good and let go of the overwhelming feelings. I asked Him to show me what was most important so that I would focus on that and not all the other things on my list that were less important and could wait.
Later that evening a neighbor stopped by. She is in the midst of a painful and difficult divorce and just needed a friend. She was here for about an hour... just sharing the difficulties of her weekend, her concern for her teenage children, and just sharing her heart and her feelings. (As a sidenote, if you should feel led, please pray for this family... they are so special and they will get thru all of this, but they are hurting now and need our prayers!) After she left, I first said a quick prayer for them and then instantly realized that I had been given a whole new perspective on my feelings. I was overwhelmed with life in general, buth my marriage hadn't fallen apart and my children's heart weren't aching because Mommy and Daddy were no longer together.
Move forward to Tuesday morning of this week and, while I was feeling better, I drove into work knowing and I had a mountain of work that needed to be done. I'll be on vacation next week and there is much that I need to accomplish before leaving the office on Friday of this week. I walked in the door of the office only to discover that our site computer network was down. This meant no work getting done for me as 98% of my job requires the use of my computer and with the need to have the network available to access necessary software applications, etc. This word was soon followed by the news that it would be down for 3-4 hours. Oh, my! BUT, very quickly I realized I had the ability to drive home and connect remotely to my company's main network in California via the internet connection at my house. After making a quick phone call to my manager in Wisconsin I was out the door and soon home and working. Plus, I was able to get much more accomplished than I ever would have in the office since it was quiet at home with no stream of co-workers in and out of my office. YEA!
Then, finally this morning... I was catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs and ran across a post speaking of some of the same feelings of being overwhelmed that I had been experiencing. She spoke of how she had suddenly realized this week that she wasn't giving glory to God with her feelings. Her thoughts stopped me dead in my tracks. She shared how we need to accept these moments in our lives and be thankful for them as these are the moments that God gives to us. Yes, they are busy and they are crazy sometimes, but each moment is a gift from God that should never be wasted away wishing for future moments of quietness. As long as we turn to God and know that He is right beside us all the way then we are good.
Through each of these happenings this weeks God showed me the gift He has given to me... even if it is BUSY and CRAZY right now. He is with me and He is showing me His ways by showing me how fortunate I am and by blessing me with unexpected moments of time to catch up a little bit. I am so thankful for all that God has shown me this week and I just pray that I will take it with me in the days to come.
Thank you, dear Lord, for showing me YOUR WAYS! Amen.
For more Thankful Thursday posts, visit Lynn at "Spiritually Unequal Marriage"!
23 Thoughts Shared:
May God continue to show you the way sweetie.
God's "grace" has become more evident to me in the times of chaos or stress-like you stated about your friend-there are certain things He has shieled you from even though you are going through your own storms. I will be praying for your friend. We cannot see the many things the Lord holds back! Praise the Lord we can feel these emotions and walk through the hardships because we can then relate with and comfort others in authenticity and love-pointing to the Saviour! Thank you for sharing! Blessings! Amanda
Melanie, what a wonderful post, What an awesome God!!! to work things out for you to have the right place to get what needed to be done at the right time. You are right He is with us no matter what we are going through. Thank you for sharing.
God Bless You Melanie and what a beautiful and just heart stopping post; As I read it, I couldn't stop saying "Amen" and "That is so true".
What a blessing it is to read your post.
Hi Melanie! I know how it is to be overwhelmed with activities..I pray that the Lord grant you wisdom and continue to direct your ways!
amen amen amen..WOW..loved this thankful post...I loved this one also..
God to help me see all the good and let go of the overwhelming feelings. I asked Him to show me what was most important so that I would focus on that and not all the other things on my list that were less important and could wait.amen amen amen
Glad he heard and answered your prayers! I, too, pray for God's perspective because sometimes I get too wrapped up in my earthly agenda and need to be refocused on his heavenly agenda!
Praise God that He remains in our busy overloaded schedules!!! I can relate to your week, we have been in an extremely busy time as well and when I cannot accomplish everything on my list ... I go mad! But when I sit back and just "rest" in the Lord, He always gives me the strength to go on. Praise God! Happy TT to you.
As I was reading this post, I had to stop and say "this is so true"..."Amen, my sister". Happy TT to you....this was such a blessing to read, my friend.
How many moments do we waste wishing for a better moment. Thanks for the thought provoking post.
Melanie, I'm glad your perspective was changed. I will be in prayer for your neighbor and her family. Divorce is so painful, not only for the husband and wife but the children and the rest of the family. May God continue to bless you and may you get everything done so you can truly enjoy your vacation. I enjoyed your post because I saw how God provided peace in the midst of chaos for you. How great is our God! Happy Thankful Thursday to you!
Amen! This post spoke to me loudly.
Thank you for sharing this, as I have been struggling with these same feelings.
Praying you continue to see your many blessings and give God glory.
Have a beautiful Thursday!
Oh Amen Amen! Your testimony really touched my heart! Thank you so very much for sharing!!!
What a great point and one I will need to remember. I get there, too - that overwhelmed feeling of never being able to get things done. When that feeling hits, you can't hardly put one foot in front of the other and figure out what you CAN get done. Thank you for sharing the perspective and I'm praying God reminds you His shoulders are so much bigger than yours and He'll show you what He wants and needs you to do and He'll give you the strength to get it done. Enjoy that vacation!! Blessings.
Wow and ouch, Melanie! I have been right in the same place for the past week or so. I feel overwhelmed, wishing my life away while trying to hold on to certain aspects of it and losing sight of my God given moments of everyday.
Thank you for pulling me back into my rightful, spiritual way of thinking and seeing things...through God's eyes.
I so needed this today!
Happy TT!
I love Psalm 25:4-5. I posted on it a couple weeks ago or maybe it was a month now. I memorized it in NIV...let's give it a try here...
Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me. For you are my God in whom my hope is all day long. I'm sure a few mess ups but I've got the jist in my heart.
Thanks for sharing your thankfulness.
I love the Message translation of Psalm 25:4-5. Thank you for sharing your heart. It is so apparent that you are listening to Him and glorifying Him.
He has opened your eyes, and you are able to express your grateful heart with the rest of us (which blesses us all!).
It sounds like you learned some important things this week :) Blessings
God's grace always amazes us!!! Thank you for sharing your encouraging words of thanks to God.. Bless your heart!
Now I know why you are so computer savvy, you work with one all day!! So glad God restored some precious time to you and some perspective. Quiet time at home alone is always my favorite work space too!
I know that a blogged a little on the bracelet (TT) but can't remember if I have thanked you here on your blog. Anyway, thank you so much for the extra surprises that came with the lovely bracelet!! I just love it all and my baby is just fascinated by the bracelet and the magnets. I went to see your website and now I'm saving some money in my "envelopes"!!:)
Have a blessed weekend!
Hi Melanie,
Okay, you wrote this just for me...that she wasn't giving glory to God with her feelings. Her thoughts stopped me dead in my tracks.... Oh, Girl. I am dropped in my tracks too. Oh, thank you for this post. I love you. Have a fantastic vacation. Hugs.
Your posts always speak to me. Thank you!
I love how the Lord blesses us and helps us through the busy tough times. When I look back I think wow, I could never have made it through that or got that done if I didn't have help.
Oh Melanie... this post definitely speaks to me! My to do list has also been growing and I really felt that I was getting nothing accomplished...
Today we have friends coming into town from Michigan so we all cleaned house this morning, and my husband has done some things around here that have needed to be done for a while, so God has worked it all out and I am feeling much better about things... thanks so much for sharing this, it has helped me to have a better perspective.
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