Saved by His hand
Great is Your name
In all the earth
Worthy alone
Christ on the throne
Your kingdom will reign forever
You are the Lord, Most High"
Several days ago I was driving home from work after a long and mentally tiring day. You know those days, nothing HUGE goes wrong, but it's a lot of little things. And things that are out of your control, but yet, effect you in some way. For me, it was certain persons that tend to be difficult to get along with, some office politics, rules that always seem to change about the time I finally get used to the old ones, and a cold/sinus thing that I just can't seem to fight off.
So, anyway, I was driving home after a day of all of this.... tired and wondering to myself why it seemed that this ALWAYS happened (and, in reality, days like this are usually few and far between for me, but on this day it just SEEMED like it was a regular occurence). I wondered if my life would ALWAYS be filled with these types of things? I wondered if this was just what life was meant to be and did I just need to "get over it and get used to it"? But, oh, how that thought made me weary. And, weary was a good word to use for how I felt overall. Weary from the day and these types of issues.
As I pondered these thoughts the song "You Are Lord" written by Michael W. Smith and his wife Debbie Smith began playing on the CD in my car. As it came to the words "Your kingdom will reign forever" I almost immediately felt a joy overcome me and a thankfulness that God's kingdom does reign over all that is on this earth.... all those things that were bothering me from my day.
I thought about how God never promised that life on this earth would be easy, but what He did promise was that He would ALWAYS be with us. And, then, following this thought came the one the that just smacked me in the head.... my ALWAYS isn't on this earth and full of the minute day to day things that make me weary. My ALWAYS is in God. My ALWAYS IS God. A home with Him in heaven is my ETERNITY. It dawned on me that someday when I am home with Him that all of this stuff I'm so weary of today will be just a blip on the radar. That thought just kind of put it all in perspective for me, you know?
So, today I am ever so thankful that God's kingdom will reign forever, that He is my ALWAYS, my ETERNITY. I am thankful that with Him is where my true home is found and the struggles we have on this earth are just a small part of the journey that will lead us to our home in heaven one day.
For more Thankful Thursday posts, visit Lynn at "Spiritually Unequal Marriage"!

28 Thoughts Shared:
Amen, Sister! We are aliens in this world.. only passing through!!! Isn't it WONDERFUL to think about what our REAL home will be like??
Zach shared with Gabe & me the other day before school that he'd had a dream about going to Heaven. He said he dreamed that he'd played with Brent. For the whole rest of the day (right up until bedtime) Gabe said over and over that he COULDN'T WAIT to get to Heaven! (I was like, whoa, Bud.. let's not rush it!) Don't get me wrong.. I'm excited that he's excited.. I just don't think I could mentally handle losing another child. (I always tend to over-explain.. I know you KNOW what I'm talking about) ☺
♥ YOU!!
I love that! He is my always! Oh may we always remember that. It would really change us. We wouldn't get burdened down in the temporary things knowing that He is our always.
Thank you for such great encouragement!
I pray you have a blessed Thursday!
Hi Melanie,
Girl, this is a very "real" post. I have been there too... In fact, have this bad cold thing going on myself. but, oh how I love to put on praise music and it reminds me also of the new heaven and new earth that is ours... Big Hugs. Have a great TT.
Amen, God reigns forever.
I also take encouragement with what you have said..Thanks dear sister in Christ!
See you there in our home someday!
What a great post! Thanks so much for sharing that and reminding me once again where my priorities should be lying...have an awesome day!!!!
Wow Melanie, not much more I can say to that post except one big AMEN!!!!!! I can so relate! Thanks for the glorious reminder.
God is our everything. i love what you said, "He is my always. my eternity." God bless you.
I read in my devotional book a similar thought this week. It was a great reminder (and your post is too) that this world is not our home!
Have a great week.
He is my Always ...He is my Eternity-that's just a great phrase to hold onto! May you have a blessed week! Oh, I've posted a give-away for a scripture memory program. Please feel free to check it out if you have time:) Amanda:)
Thank you so much for your wonderful encouragement today! Much needed! :) Blessings!
I am ever so thankful that God's kingdom will reign forever amen amen amen....
I keep praying each day,,Thy Kingdom come on earth Father God as it is in Heaven...
What an beautiful devotional. thank you so much for sharing from your heart. It greatly ministered to me.
Amen Melanie! We are only temporary in this world. I don't want my mind to be caught up and bound up by the things of this world. We can rise higher in His presence and in His rest no matter what goes on around us. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!! Mary
Thank you for this post! I find myself saying "always" a lot. This is a reminder that of what it really means. My always is God-eternity- the big picture--I like that!:)
Linda C
Oh Melanie....how true, my friend! How true and what a great reminder! Happy TT!
Blessings to you today!
Thanking Him for His sweet presence and that in Him we can have peace, no matter what is going on around us! -Blessings, Laurie
What an amazing reminder. It is funny how quickly our perspective can change after a few "hard" days. It is easy to forget about all the wonderful ones that lead up to them.
Thanks for again putting things back in perspective.
That was a great post I was listening to a speaker just last week that the same thing but not so beautifully. Thanks you so much what a blessing your word are to all of us.
How interesting... I was just thinking the same thing this week! Nothing in this life really matters, nothing can take away my God from me, and really, what else matters but being with my God? It's quite the thought... a comforting one!
Thanks for sharing, and have a blessed TT!
Thanks for sharing this thought! I have to remind myself over and over, "This world is not my home, I'm just a stranger passing through." (a quote from an older man at our home church.
Oh how I love that line "My always IS God..." So incredibly true! Thank you for such an awesome post (as always)...I love it when you make me think!
Matt 28:19-20
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you ALWAYS, to the very end of the age."
Amen, Melanie! I have had those days and they will wear you out. I love God's ALWAYS so much better than my ALWAYS! His are positive and reassuring where mine are negative and filled with stress.
Great post today, my friend!
Happy TT!
Melanie, what a most awesome reminder for me to read, especially with the struggles I've had recently. This hope and assurance makes all the things we endure on earth seem, well, endurable. Happy Thankful Thursday to you and thanks for blessing my heart with this message, my friend.
A great post and encouragement. Some days can be so discouraging in this earthly world, praise God we will spend eternity with him in paradise!!
Great food for thought. Thanks for sharing.
Praise God! Don't you love how the Lord uses music to encourage our hearts to praise and rejoice! What a great message. He is so good to us! = )
P.S. Thank you for your very kind comments today! Blessed my heart immeasurably!
Oh Melanie
I should have read this yesterday... but my day just did not allow for it, I had one of those days! Thank you for this wonderful reminder that God is my always and my Eternity! It echoes something the Lord spoke to me last night before I went to bed... how cool of God to make sure we receive the message He has for us!
I did post a short post about it today, if you have time check it out. Have a wonderful weekend!
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