I know I haven't been around so much for awhile now. Not even sure anyone is still out there. If there is, you've probably noticed that I've posted in spurts for quite a few months. I'm active for awhile and then drop off for awhile.

I've really been struggling over the last year or so to find a balance. A balance with family, with church, with work, with rest, and so on. All those things that many of us struggle with each and everyday.

I'm learning that I don't have to be 100% at everything 24 hours a day. (Actually, it's something I've known for a long time... just haven't acted like it much!) There is a time for family, a time for work, a time for rest, a time for church activities, and so on.

Likewise, I don't have to post each and everyday or even every week. Sure, I would like to. I enjoy the time I write here. Writing out my Bible studies and the direction God is leading is a great way for me to sort out my thoughts and beliefs. Hopefully, as I share in this little corner of the internet, someone will find something that speaks to them. BUT, I can write here and it not be everyday or even every week.

This may not seem like a big deal, but for me it is. I tend to put alot of pressure on myself to do things in a certain way. About 98% of the time, that pressure is coming from me and me alone... not from anyone else.

So, I hope to be around here more. But, it probably won't be any regular type of schedule. And, it won't be because I've placed some sort of pressure on myself that I have to post every week or every 3rd Monday or whatever.

Now that I've said all that and probably "over-talked" all about not keeping a schedule with posting, I have started posting elsewhere on a regular schedule. (Yes, you can laugh now at the irony... but, hopefully, you'll understand where I'm coming from.) Twice a month on Sundays, you can find me sharing a scripture on the blog for the "Christian Artists Street Team on Etsy" (CAST).

About a year ago, I opened a shop on Etsy and about 6 months ago joined the CAST team, reading their blog, and then had the opportunity to join the blog team. It's a great blog full of posts by other Etsy shop owners that love to be creative and to do so for the Lord. If you are looking for another blog to follow this is a great one. You can find it at: http://castteametsy.blogspot.com/.

I hope to see you around here again soon! Enjoy a great holiday weekend!

7 Thoughts Shared:

Beth E. said...

I know what you mean, Melanie. I struggle with that balance, too. My boys are now in college, so I'm not as busy in my duties as a mom. However, other duties have taken over.

It's been a very difficult summer for our family. Thankfully, my brother seems to be improving.

Praying for you, friend, as you seek God's will for balance in your family...HIS family!


Michele Williams said...

I too have been posting off and on. When I first started blogging I would post every day.. sometimes more than once a day. I tried to visit everyone too... I was consumed... this past year I am learning the meaning of "moderation"... God knows our hearts and thoughts....

God bless you dear friend.

LisaShaw said...

Aww, BALANCE that word we all need to embrace more dear friend.

I'm praying with and for you and I'm blessed to visit with you today to say, I love you and I'm praying for you.

bp said...

Thanks for sharing Melanie. I do enjoy your posts, you always have something so encouraging to say. You kinda sound like me, I have realized this summer especially that I don't have to do a blog post every day, I put that pressure on myself in the beginning. And I've found there's no point in that. If I have something to say I can blog it but if not it's okay to leave it blank!

Thanks for explaining CAST, I saw your post above this one and wondered what that meant!

have a good week,

Sherri Ward said...

Hi Melanie, I found you through CAST, and I am moved to comment because of similarities. I've been writing on my blog for a few years but much less this past year due to family issues, and due to starting my etsy shop one year ago, and trying to find the balance the Lord wants me to have. Thanks for sharing, you are not alone!

Kathryn Anderson said...

One of the leaders of my church gave a talk recently all about finding balance in life and figuring out when to push forward and when to take a stem back and focus on the most important things (God, family, etc.)
I am one of those people who puts way too much pressure on myself way too often. I find great peace in reading this counsel. I hope it blesses you as well.

The Metzgers said...

I too struggle to find balance and it is so interesting how many women share that same struggle.