As a parent, I enjoy watching my kids do just about anything.... play, sing, read, interact with others, etc. However, I think one of my very favorite things is to watch them and interact with them when they are learning about the Lord.
Over the weekend we had a chance to see "Big Daddy Weave" in concert (by the way, if you get the chance to see them you must go.. great Christian group!). My daughter is 5 yrs old and had a hard time seeing the band over the tops of everyone's heads. So, my husband stepped out into the aisle a bit and put her up on his shoulders so she could see. Oh, what a grand time she had!
One of the songs they sang was one entitled "Just the Way I Am". The chorus is this: "You love me, You love me You love me just the way I am." As I looked up at her high on Daddy's shoulders those were the words she was singing. None of the other words, just those. And, sing them she did at the top of her lungs over and over again. If she can even begin to hold on to those words now and carry them with her thru life -- always knowing that God loves her just as she is -- what a wonderful truth she will have to cling to thru many tough situations in life (oh, my... especially thru those tough teen years!)
My son is working on his God and Country badge for Cub Scouts. This is something that he and my husband are working on together as a father and son activity. Over the weekend, they sat down at the kitchen table to do their assignments for the week. This week they were looking at John 3:16 and one of the tasks they had to do was re-state the verse in their own words. As I sat in the other room and listened, I can't even begin to explain what a privilege it was to listen to them talk about what that verse meant... what is eternal life, how great a gift is it that God gave us in his son? Truly a special moment for me.
So, this week, I am thankful for the many opportunities my children have to learn about the Lord. Opportunities at church, thru their extra-curricular activities, in daily conversation we have at home, and so many others. Thank you, Lord!
What are you thankful for today? Join us in sharing our thanksgivings this week by visiting Laurie at "Women Taking a Stand".

17 Thoughts Shared:
I have to post a hearty, "me too" to this post. My older dd is 18 and I still love having deep spiritual conversations with her where her eyes are open to the ways and character of the Lord, and my younger ones as well as they also journey toward knowing Him more. What a blessing! What a privilege!
Love your post, father and son going on a project...your family is beautiful, blessings for you always.
What a lovely post, Melanie. I can tell you are raising fine children and teaching them to be strong in the Lord.
Have a blessed day.
There is nothing more precious than seeing your children come alive with KNOWING Jesus! It's Awesome!
Happy Thursday!
Praying for your dear children to be blessed with many more opportunities to learn about our Lord.
Love Big Daddy Weave, sounds like yall had a wonderful time together always thankful for those times together.
I agree. Nothing makes my heart sing like seeing my daughter grow in the Lord.
Such special moments you shared of your children's lives. Those are sweet memories to cherish.
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Both of our boys were in the scouts, so I remember the God and Country badge!
I am very thankful for God's provision in our lives. He is faithful to meet every need we have!
What a blessing to see your children accepting faith in Christ as their own. You have a God-fearing, God-loving family.
I love that! It is precious when they get it and you can see that the Lord is growing a big faith in them!
Such sweet memories to experience, to live and to share. My husband became an Eagle Scout when he was just thirteen so he has many memories of badge work with his dad.
Thanks so much for stopping by my site and for your encouraging words.
Hi precious! What a beautiful message of family love in Christ! Praying for your family as I read your message. Beautiful family times of watching the kids grow in the Lord.
Love you.
Hi Melanie,
I just found your blog via Blog Frog. I truly enjoyed reading through the past couple of postings tonight. I have become a follower of yours and invite you over to my place. If after reading there you decide to become a follower, I would be honored to have another new friend.
Your site is a blessing. Love it!
Came back by tonight to love on you. Praying that you and your family are well in the LORD. Love and hugs!
Wonderful things to be thankful for!! Those are precious memories. My next door neighbor came over to interview me for his God and Country Badge last week. I was very touched. I had forgotten how "right on" the Cub Scouts were!!
I just loved reading over the posts on your blog. May our Lord continue to shine through you. God bless, Lloyd
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