This year in Vacation Bible School our kids learned this song by Audio Adrenaline. Can I just tell you that it is a wonderful thing to see a sanctuary of children singing "I get down and He lifts me up!" at the top of their voices?! An added blessing? My kids have continued to sing it at home since then!
This week I am so thankful that when I get down that HE lifts me up! And, I'm thankful that my kids are learning this wonderful truth at such a young age!
To join us in sharing our thanksgivings this week, visit Lynn at "Spiritually Unequal Marriage".

17 Thoughts Shared:
I can relate. My kids go to a wonderful VBS every summer that blesses them with a CD so they can hear the songs all year. They bring them home and sing them and soon I'm singing them too! My favorite from this year has the lyric "Faith to see beyond what I can see..." I really needed that this year.
This was such a good song!! And your right, nothing like a group of children with their sweet little voices lifted in praise. When my daughter was in high school and went to a Christian High School they had chapel once a week. I attended many of these over the years, and let me tell you, that was another HUGE blessing. To see all those young people worshipping Him blessed me beyond belief. Thanks for posting this. Blessings to you, Debbie
it's always such a joy to see li'l kids sing praise to our God.
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One of the worst workings of the evil one is to make man believe that there is no lifting up. The moment we realise there IS and WHO is the one to turn to, all of the evil's workings go away and we can see God for the unending love that He is.
Wishing you all the blessings.
You are so right! What a joy it is to hear our little ones sing to Him!
I have missed you, friend. I hope all is well!
Great song! Praise God for lifting us up and allowing us to teach our children these awesome truths!!
Thanks for sharing this cool song. I had never heard it before. I am thankful that the Lord is my Refuge and Tower of Strength!
Thank you for visiting my blog today. Have a blessed day in the Lord!
I always love it when this song comes on the radio! Thanks for posting it today.
Have a great weekend :)
What a delightful song! I'm smiling now! Thank you! God bless!
Our youth group sing this song also. Makes my heart smile seeing the younger generation sing praises to our God!
Addictive melody; addictive Jesus!
I love this, bless you.
Hi Melanie,
I LOVE this song and I would love to see little ones shouting this out.
BIG hugs.
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for sharing this song. Thank God that when we are down, He lifts us up. Take care and have a blessed day!
God bless,
Thanks for sharing this song. It's really comforting. Many blessings to you!
I love this! This is a song I need to add to my running playlist... a great one to run to!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I always liked that song! My brother and I would sing to the CD while jumping around the living room in our pj's.
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