"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I am often amazed at the fact that I can call upon the Lord regardless of the time of day or regardless of where I am or what I am doing. I can pray anytime, anywhere, anyplace. And, not only that, but God wants to hear from me anytime, anywhere and anyplace that I might be. He wants to commune with me and be an active part of my life.
So many times I think we try to relate our relationship with God to the relationships we have with other people. It makes sense that we would do this... after all, it really is our only point of reference. However, our relationship with God can be SO much more. Because we can only really relate on a human level, it is just hard to fathom how God could be available at all times… how He WANTS to hear from us regardless of anything else… yes, He even wants to hear from “little ‘ole me”.
How many people do you know that are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? And, while we do have friends that are very reachable and approachable, they do have families of their own and needs of their own. But, it is so different with God.
I can’t tell you how many times I have prayed a silent prayer while in a difficult confrontation with someone, while trying to find a way to handle a rough day at home with the kids (you know, those days when everyone is whiney and tired and fussy… even ME!), while in a meeting at work, or when sitting with a friend and trying to find the right words to say when he or she is struggling with something difficult themselves. I find myself saying prayers of thanksgiving as I listen to the sweet voices of my children as they play or as they are telling me about something exciting that has happened to them during their day. Or, how about those times when there are just no words? While we may not be able to find the words to speak to a friend, God knows our hearts and our minds… He knows the words that we can’t find…. He knows how to comfort us and lead us in the right direction.
What a blessing we have in serving a God that is so approachable and desires so much to have a relationship with each and everyone of us!!
How about you? Do you go about your day seeking God, asking Him for guidance each step of the way? Do you say a prayer of thanksgiving when you receive a sweet note from a friend or when your spouse does something special for you? If not, give it a try. It can make all the difference in the world!
To join us in sharing our thanksgivings this week, visit Iris at "Grace Alone...".
14 Thoughts Shared:
So thankful that I can talk to HIM anywhere and anytime I want :) It's a blessing..
I so agree with you Melanie. It is awesome to know that our God is approable at any time of the day (or night). I even say a little thanksgiving prayer for safe travel to/from work...
Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us this week...
I am so thankful that not only can I talk to God anytime and anywhere - but that He wants me to talk to Him!
Hope you have a great week!
Yes, I am also thankful that I have the privilege of coming to God Almighty anytime, any place. I love that He always hears and even knows what I need before I ask.
Such a hope filled post, bless you sweetie.
i talk to Him all the time and anywhere i'm at. and i always remember to Him praise even in the little blessings i receive.
God bless you, melanie.
It always gets my attention when I feel the need to "talk" to someone and no one answers the phone! It is kind of like God reminding me that He is the ONLY one that is always available!
Amen...I am thankful for this, too....
What an awesome God we serve! And I love that we can approach Him at anytime and He is always there...willing and able.
Beautiful post, my friend. Happy TT.
Thanks for sharing. These are great ideas of times to pray and giving thanks in prayer when something happens in our day.
Oh yes Melanie...it's the best privilege and such a great blessings to give thanks for Our 24/7 friend to the end...Jesus...how I love that the Father is always there waiting! This was so sweet & so special Melanie from a heart in touch with the Father's heart & His love for each of His children and even little ole' ye...and me! You are so precious & this was so down to earth REAL on one long distance phone call away to the One who holds us in His hand. Beautiful post!
Love your grateful heart & how you shared this!
I love your post. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.
I find that I'm seeking His presence more and more each day, praying, praising and worshipping. I was thinking about that the other day and said.."Lord, I sure do talk with you a lot these days don't I?"
I am thankful for that
Rejoicing in HIs presence. Oh the joy of meeting others who exude HIs grace and peace.
Keep writing dear one, you are splashing the nation in His grace!
Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
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