As I sit here typing this morning, there is a gentle rain falling outside.... it's all so calm and peaceful. So very different than when I was awakened around 5:30 this morning by loud thundering, lightening and much heavier rainfall. And, while that is not calm and peaceful, it does lend itself (at least for me) to snuggling down under the covers and sleeping well.
We've had rain off and on here for a little over a week now. Along with that has been temperatures that are cooler than usual. In our neck of the woods, we are usually consistently in triple digits in July and it is DRY! Not so this year and we are thoroughly enjoying it!
On a Sunday afternoon about two weeks ago, the kids and I were sitting outside on the back porch watching it rain. They ran around in the yard some and enjoyed "dancing in the rain" and we just sat and talked some, too. One of the things that Abby (who, by the way, is 5 years old today.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ABBY!!) brought up was how God brings us the rain to help all the plants and the tress to grow. This led to a long list of all the benefits of rain... it helps the flowers grow, gives the animals water to drink, give US water to drink, makes the world beautiful, etc.
This has all got me to thinking about the many ways in which God provides for each and every one of us. Whether it be rain, or cooler temperatures, or if it is tough situations we face in life... God ALWAYS provides.
To join us in sharing our thanksgivings this week, visit Lynn at "Spiritually Unequal Marriage".
19 Thoughts Shared:
Blessings Melanie...Happy Birthday Abby...yippee BIG 5!!!
Rain & cooler temperatures! Praise God for each & every blessing that comes from above!
Beautiful thoughts & such wisdom from the small!
Your love for your family & the LORD speak volumes of your heart & how you turn all you can to a lesson & point them to God! Thanks Melanie for being a great mom! Celebrate Abby's life & have a great blessed day rejoicing & giving thanks!
What a precious sight~2 little ones playing in the rain! Let them soak it in!
I love that you turned that into a teachable moment!
Sounds like you have the same whether in your parts as we are...more rain than usual. I'm going to take advantage of it and hopefully plant grass seed in some bare spots.
Yes, I can often complain about raining...coming to work in the rain, carrying bag, purse, and drink. Running from car to store as shopping. Ruining outdoor plans. Yet, the beauty in rain. The provision in rain. The POWER demonstrated in thunderstorms. What a huge reminder to His power with each big boom. I do love when it rains so I don't have to go around and water my four potted flowers.
Come visit me sometime and catch up.
Sweet blessings,
Happy Birthday to dear Abby, hope she is enjoying her day.
We were just watching the evening news the other night when they were talking about the severe drought in parts of Texas so reading your post just made me so thankful FOR YOU! And Happy Birthday to your Abby!
Such a sweet post! God bless you and enjoy the birthday celebration!
This was very enjoyable to read! Happy Birthday to your 5 year old! You enjoy it, too!
I had fun running to our car in Wal-mart parking lot the other day, with my 16 and 19 year olds, too!
Thank you for visiting my blog!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to dear Abby
Happy Birthday to you
May God be gracious to you precious one and bless you and make His face shine upon you today and always.
amen amen amen
Thank God for his provision. What a wonderful post.
Happy birthday to Abby! Rain is such a blessing from God!
Yes, rain is beautiful... now if only I could think so right now, haha.
We've been having so much crazy weather in our area lately too. Usually hot and dry, it's been feeling more like spring or fall... one extreme to the other with rain, then wind, then rain, sunshine with rain falling at the same time... makes doing anything outside difficult, and harvesting our feed crops near impossible. Still... I do love thunder...
I like the thunder and lightning, as well as the rain, but we only get thunderstorms once a decade where I live. So, when I travel and it rains, it is like special entertainment has been ordered for me, courtesy of God.
That is so sweet Melanie. You're right, God always provides.
I love to watch the rain.
God bless you today! Thanks for visiting me!
Haven't just sat through a powerful rain storm this morning your post was timely. :) God does provide, and it is not our job to second guess it. :)
A tornado touched down near our house this past March, we had horrible wind and hail.....the end result is thanks to our insurance co. we will get a new roof. God provided, we NEEDED one! :)
OOOO with that sweet rain falling...I'd love to be snuggled under a quilt with a good book!!!
The temps here have been soaring as well! Thank the LORD for the rain!
Love the smell of rain. Love the green growth and flowers. And I especially love the rainbows that storms bring.
Dancing in the rain, now that's my kind of fun!
Thanks for visiting me this week. It's been a while since I've stopped by. Always enjoy saying hi. Appreciate your kindness.
Have a great day!
Rain. Always welcomed after a heat wave.
Twitter: AboutParenting
Beautiful sharing.
God is so good!
Love you dear sister.
You are right, rain is something a lot of things benefit of. Too bad that we really had not much rain in the desert this year...Monsoon season was dry - lol...
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