Several days ago I was out driving after a particularly difficult morning at work. Nothing new (I have been working thru these same work-related difficulties for quite some time now)and certainly nothing that is huge in the grand scheme of life, but nevertheless, it had been difficult.
Both of my children have birthdays over the next few weeks, so I decided to get out during my lunch break and go shopping for birthday presents. I knew that would perk me up and put me in much better spirits for the afternoon back at the office.
As I was driving I was thinking thru all that had happened and was talking to God about it all. I was determined that I would place it all in God's hands... let Him handle it all and fully trust Him. It seems like I have just kept on placing these same frustrations in God's hands over and over and over again thru the course of the last year or so, but once again, here I was doing it again. I'm sure there is a lesson here for me.... maybe I keep taking it back and that is why I have to turn it over once again.... maybe there is a lesson here in perserverance for me..... maybe a lesson in patience. Or, more than likely, all of the above.
As I pulled into the Toys 'R Us parking lot it seemed as if these words just popped into my head out of nowhere,
"My God is so big,
so strong and so mighty,
there is nothing that my God can't do!"
Wow! What a great reminder was given to me in those moments... all in the words from a children's song. My God is big and he is strong and he is mighty and there is nothing in my life that He cannot or will not handle if I just place it in His hands. Whatever lesson there is for me to learn and wherever it is that He is leading, He can handle it and He can and will do it!
How thankful I am that my God is big and my God is strong and there is NOTHING that He cannot do!
To join us in sharing our thanksgivings this week, visit Lynn at "Spiritually Unequal Marriage".
15 Thoughts Shared:
That song is often in my head as well. (I have a 3 year old). Thank you for reminding me the truth of those words. Another children's song that I often sing is Jesus Loves Me. What a wonderful message this song holds. Have a blessed day!
Oh Girl,
The Lord has placed music on both of our hearts today. What a great God we serve.
My God is so Big.... Victory In Jesus.... Love your grandfather. Please make intoductions when we are at the throne.... Love you so much. Hugs.
Amen, amen.
How thankful I am that my God is big and my God is strong and there is NOTHING that He cannot do!
amen amen amen
Ah, I adore that song too. It is so true and a person can't help but be joyful after singing that song, especially if you do the motions too! You know from a couple of my posts lately that we are in a difficult season too. I keep doing the same thing by giving it to the Lord and then taking it back and then giving it to Him again. Ugh! I think one of my lessons is to learn patience....again....I call it the "P" word but I am so thankful that He is so very patient with me. Hang in there, God has greater glory at stake in this situation.
Oh I am so thankful that God can do ANYTHING! I am thankful that He is so big and strong and that I can just rest in His arms knowing that He has all things under control!
Hope you have a great day!
Isn't it great that the Holy Spirit brings to our minds scriptures and songs, sermons, things we have read to uplift us just when we need it? Our God is awesome!
YES your so right.Thanking and praising God with you.
Have a blessed TT
Awww, I love that song!
Yup... big, strong and mighty!
What a wonderful reminder. Thanks for sharing that story.
"My God is so big,
so strong and so mighty,
there is nothing that my God can't do!"
Beautifully said dear sister.
Dearest Abba Father, I lift Melanie before You. You know her needs and concerns at work. As she releases them to You we pray for Your comfort, strength, wisdom and counsel and for her. We pray for all things to be done decent and in order for Your daughter. May she walk in Your way. Thank You Abba Father in Jesus precious Name. Amen.
I remember that song from when I was little. You always had to do the hand motions along with the words. I've been MIA from blog world this summer but hope to get back into routine soon. Hope you are doing well!
The kids songs are just for kids! Have a great weekend.
How sweet of our Lord to put that song in your head at just the time you needed to be reminded of its simple message! I love to hear my kids sing that one, and really love it when they do the hand motions...
John Ryan loves to try and sing this song with me. Such simple words with so much truth. When we sing it, I always pray that someday he will REALLY believe it. There is always a lesson in there for me as well.
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