* I am thankful for the beautiful weather we've been having in our part of Texas this last week. We've had some great times outdoors playing and just hanging out as a family.
* I am thankful for several sources of encouragement that I have received lately. This has come via several different sources, but ultimately, I know that it has come from God. A month or so ago I was questioning several things -- "where to go from here?", "am I on the right path?" and so on. However, this last week God has sent multiple signs via messages of encouragement to show me that I am on the right path.
* I am thankful for several new opportunties that I have in our church. I am most excited about a women's ministry that is just growing and growing. I haven't been able to participate in the past as it was on a weekday and my work schedule would not allow me to attend. However, it has grown so much recently that they have opened up a 2nd time that meets in the evening. And, not only will I be able to attend, but I will also be helping each month in a volunteer capacity. I am so excited! I need a ministry like this in my life... both as a participant and a volunteer.
* I've mentioned this more than once lately, but I'm so thankful for the sense of peace that God has given me that I am right where He wants be to be for now. I can see Him preparing the way up ahead and I am anxious to get there, but God has given me a peace about this moment. That peace is a great thing at all times.... but, especially when I am in my impatient moments. It's hard to feel impatient when there is peace.
* I am thankful my son has had a good week at school. He's in 1st grade and has been struggling lately with his journal work and with getting his daily classwork completed. However, with prayer and time spent talking with my son about the situation, I think we may have found some ways to help him out and encourage him (he has really been discouraged). This week has been so much better... he's gotten almost all his classwork done and he completed his journal work on Monday with no problems at all! He has been so excited when he gets home each day! I know there are many more school related issues down the road for us, and probably not an end to this one yet, but a good week is a good week and we are thankful!
For more Thankful Thursday visit Iris at "Grace Alone..."!

25 Thoughts Shared:
Encouragement - however it comes to us is always appreciated. I am happy your son had a great week in school.
To have peace is SUCH a blessing in its own right. So glad you could feel God's peace this week.
Thanks for sharing your heart blessings.
I am so glad that you are enjoying the peace of God and may your heart continue to be encouraged that He has each step in His plan. Happy TT! -Laurie
I always enjoy your Thankful Thursday posts...
thank you for sharing them with us! :o)
That is a wonderful list. Peace is priceless!
Bless you!
great blessing sthanks for sharing them. Be blessed with continued peace, love and joy.
Hi melanie!Thank you for sharing your list today :) Praying you'll be blessed in your women's ministry.
Wonderful thankful list, Melanie! I also am thankful for additional ministry opportunities. Now, just to wait on Him and follow His leading!
Have a blessed day!
What wonderful blessings - your children are blessed to have you there encouraging them as they learn...
Happy tt, I am glad to here you found the right path in life. What a blessing.
Oh, how wonderful the peace of God feels! There is nothing more encouraging or soothing than to feel and experience His peace. I am so happy that you are in that place and He is guiding your steps toward where He wants you to go. Awesome!
I am thrilled to hear that your son had a good week at school. You prayed, God heard and He answered.
We watched a video of Bro. Jim Cymbala about The House of Prayer last night at church. It was about how powerful prayer is in all areas of our lives. We have not because we ask not...James 4:2.
You are such an encouragement to me! Have a blessed day, my friend.
The new ministry at church you can be involved with sounds wonderful! I hope that is a wonderful blessing to your life.
Have a good weekend.
You are so right, we do have so much for which to be thankful. I think just to live in a free country is such a gift. We don't go without housing, food, comforts.
We are not having such wonderful weather in southern Indiana but I am so thankful that I was not one of the 100s of thousands STILL without power more than a week later. Praise You Jesus.
Thankful for my Jesus.
Right there with you Girl! So thankful that God has provided these things to you-He is so good! Aww-a little sweet first -grader-those are precious years!! Thursday blessings to you!! Amanda:)
Wonderful list! We've been having amazing weather in Southern California too (though I'm in the desert-mountains so it's a bit different than sitting on the beach w/ an iced tea haha), and it's been so nice. But I think I'm ready for some rain and a touch of snow already! :)
I am thrilled for you that the Bible study is
now being offered in the evenings.
Happy TT June
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!
Peace is a wonderful thing to be in possession of my friend!
I'm glad you will finally be able to participate with your women's ministry. Fellowhip with the Sistas is very important!
Loved your jewelry, BTW! I've bookmarked it.
Have a blessed weekend.
I love it when I have that inner peace. It is such a blessing!
I homeschool and my son has been having some journal issues this week too. He wants to write one sentence and call it done!
Wow, so many awesome things you have given thanks for. What a great list Melanie!!
What an awesome list of blessings. I am so glad encouragement has worked so well for your son. It is so hard to watch them struggle and find a way to help them succeed, especially in school where there are so many who excel and they're so impressionable when they're young. Thank God your son has awesome parents who care enough to want to support him and help him through as he struggles!!!!!!
I am jealous for the good weather... it is way cold here and we have been stuck in the house! That is wonderful about the ladies ministry, I am so glad you are now having an opportunity to participate, I am sure you will be blessed and will be a blessing...
Wonderful list Melanie!
Sure hope the warmer weather is coming this way!
Sweet Blessings,
Hi Melanie,
I just wanted to give you a hug. You are some kind of wonderful friend to me. I trasure your words and smile in my life.
Your TT post reflects your heart.. It is a heart in love with Jesus. Your hope in life is infectious. I shareyou joy about women's ministry. My service in WM has been a great pleasure and blessing.
Just wanted to hug you this Monday morning and tell you I love you. Lynn
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