I've seen this meme posted on several other blogs over the last week or so and thought it a great one to learn more about my new bloggy friends. I love learning a bit more about all of you as I visit your blogs, so thought it only fair that I jump in on this one and share a little more about me.
A is for age.
Just turned 42 a few weeks ago.
B is for burger of choice.
Bacon cheeseburger… preferably with a good smoky bacon. Yummmm!
C is for what car you drive.
2008 Honda CR-V.
D is for Dog's name.
Our dog’s name is Bitty, which is short for Little Bit. My husband grew up with dachshunds as a child and decided early on that when he could get one of his own it would be named Little Bit. He was able to get his first dachshund when he started college and she was still living when we were married. We had to put her to sleep about 7 years ago, so we now have Little Bit II.
E is for essential item you use every day.
Toothbrush… no one would want to be around me otherwise. :)
F is for favorite tv show at the moment.
Law & Order, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Top Chef, and almost anything on The Food Network.
Just turned 42 a few weeks ago.
B is for burger of choice.
Bacon cheeseburger… preferably with a good smoky bacon. Yummmm!
C is for what car you drive.
2008 Honda CR-V.
D is for Dog's name.
Our dog’s name is Bitty, which is short for Little Bit. My husband grew up with dachshunds as a child and decided early on that when he could get one of his own it would be named Little Bit. He was able to get his first dachshund when he started college and she was still living when we were married. We had to put her to sleep about 7 years ago, so we now have Little Bit II.
E is for essential item you use every day.
Toothbrush… no one would want to be around me otherwise. :)
F is for favorite tv show at the moment.
Law & Order, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Top Chef, and almost anything on The Food Network.
G is for Favorite game.
Apples to Apples. My sister and brother-in-law introduced us to this game over the Christmas holidays. LOVE IT!
H is for Hometown.
We moved several times when I was growing up, so there’s not just one place that I consider home. What I do consider home is wherever I am with my family. If I learned nothing else while moving around as a child it is that it doesn’t really matter where the physical house is located. What is important is that you are with your family and following God.
I is for instruments you play.
I’m terribly out of practice with any instrument, but I took piano lessons for about 6 years as a child, played flute in band, and have played handbells in a couple of church handbell choirs.
J is for favorite juice.
I’m not much of a juice drinker, but when I do choose to drink juice it is usually either grape juice or apple juice.
K is for who you'd like to kiss.
My hubby and my sweet kiddos.
L is for last restaurant you ate at.
Pazzo Wood Fired Pizza (I think it’s only a local joint)
M is for your favorite Muppet.
N is for number of piercings.
Two piercings in each ear.
O is for overnight hospital stays.
The only overnight hospital stays I’ve had were when my children were born, so that would be a total of two overnight hospital stays with each one being 2-3 nights.
P is for people you were with today.
My family and co-workers.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time.
Pray, read scripture, play whatever Christian music is really speaking to me at the time. My quiet time is usually one or a combination of these three. I sort of mix it up depending on the day, how the Lord speaks to me, and how I am feeling on that particular day.
R is for biggest regret.
I’m not sure I really have any regrets. Even mistakes I’ve made in life I have learned from and experienced growth thru that learning experience.
S is for status.
Married for 12 years on May 11.
T is for time you woke up today.
6:14 am
U is for what you consider unique.
People. Each person is created uniquely by God and special in their uniqueness.
V is for vegetable you love.
Asparagus, Broccoli, carrot sticks, radishes.
W is for worst habit.
Procrastination. If I don’t want to do something I will put it off until the last possible moment. What a way to create my own stress, huh? ;)
X is for number of x-rays you've had.
Let’s see… about once a year at the dentist and I once had my feet x-rayed.
Y is for yummy food you ate today.
So far, I've only had my morning bagel with cream cheese.
Z is for zodiac sign.
Gemini -- although I don't follow zodiac signs at all.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time.
Pray, read scripture, play whatever Christian music is really speaking to me at the time. My quiet time is usually one or a combination of these three. I sort of mix it up depending on the day, how the Lord speaks to me, and how I am feeling on that particular day.
R is for biggest regret.
I’m not sure I really have any regrets. Even mistakes I’ve made in life I have learned from and experienced growth thru that learning experience.
S is for status.
Married for 12 years on May 11.
T is for time you woke up today.
6:14 am
U is for what you consider unique.
People. Each person is created uniquely by God and special in their uniqueness.
V is for vegetable you love.
Asparagus, Broccoli, carrot sticks, radishes.
W is for worst habit.
Procrastination. If I don’t want to do something I will put it off until the last possible moment. What a way to create my own stress, huh? ;)
X is for number of x-rays you've had.
Let’s see… about once a year at the dentist and I once had my feet x-rayed.
Y is for yummy food you ate today.
So far, I've only had my morning bagel with cream cheese.
Z is for zodiac sign.
Gemini -- although I don't follow zodiac signs at all.

9 Thoughts Shared:
That's some really interesting things about you, Melanie! I love kermit too!
Hello friend! Stop by when you have a chance. I've left you an award... = )
I LOVE Apples to Apples!!!!!!!!
What a fun meme. Melanie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement on my post this morning regarding "waiting on the Lord". Right now it really helps to hear other stories of faithfulness and God's provisions. Thanks again. You were an encouragement to me.
Hey Melanie,
This is very interesting! A good way to learn more about others!
Come over to my blog. I've left an award for you! I know you've received a few in the last few days, but they are ALL well deserved!
That was fun to learn more about you! We have a mini daushand and in about 5 weeks we'll be getting a another one. They are the sweetest!
Fun meme! It's nice to learn more about each other through these memes.
This is really cute, if I have time later in the week I will try to do it too! It may be hard with grandfather visiting though...
Hey Melanie
You have received an award! Please stop by my blog to check it out! Thanks so much for allowing God to minister to me and countless others through your blog! Keep seeking Him and sharing what you are learning, I am blessed because of it!
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