What Next?

As I posted on my bible studies in Philippians I found it to be such a blessing. In order to post on the scripture I had to REALLY study and determine what these scriptures meant to me and how to apply to my life. I found that I studied deeper -- really got into the Word more than I have in the past! I also found the encouraging comments from each of you to be such a special and unexpected blessing! I thank each of you that have stopped by to visit and join me in my study of Philippians.

After some prayer I have decided the next book I will be studying and sharing will be 1 John. As I studied Philippians, I was convicted that my relationship with God needs some work.... some additional commitment, nurturing and growth. 1 John seems to be perfect for this as it discusses our relationships. Relationships, both with God and with others, is a precious gift from God. I don't want this gift to be wasted one bit.

I look forward to all I have to learn and share about this book. I'm planning to get started next week, so be looking out soon for the first post from 1 John to get us started.

1 Thoughts Shared:

Tricia said...

I just about fell out of my chair when I read your post! I think that God has us on the same path, my goal for this year is to memorize the book of 1st John!! I will admit that I have had a horrible start, but this week I have worked more on it and have memorized a little. It takes me longer because I really ponder and think over it because I want to "know" it rather than just memorize it.

How are you studying it? Are you doing a precepts study or just digging into the Word yourself?

Looking forward to hearing your insights, may God bless your time in His Word!